Artifact associated with "A Dependent Dependency Calculus"



Machine Checked proofs of soundness and noninterference for DDC languages, as described in the paper "A Dependent Dependency Calculus", ESOP 2022. Getting Started Guide ===================== This artifact includes a virtual machine created with VirtualBox 6.1. After starting VirtualBox, the machine can be loaded via File > Import Appliance... Use the following credentials for administrator access on the virtual machine. username: osboxes password: To compile the development, perform the following commands in a terminal window. cd ~ cd graded-haskell/DDC/src make clean make coq NOTE: On 2019 MacBook Pro, the entire development takes < 4 minutes to compile. A successful compilation should produce the following output. ``` { echo "-R . Qual " ; ls *.v ; } > _CoqProject && coq_makefile -arg '-w -variable-collision,-meta-collision,-require-in-module' -f _CoqProject -o make[1]: Entering directory '/Users/sweirich/github/coq/graded-haskell/DDC/src' COQC grade_sig.v COQC sort_sig.v COQC Qualitative_ott.v COQC Qualitative_inf.v COQC metalib.v COQC tactics.v COQC labels.v COQC weakening.v COQC uniq.v COQC subst.v COQC grade.v COQC geq.v COQC defeq.v COQC par.v COQC confluence.v COQC consist.v COQC narrowing.v COQC pumping.v COQC typing_ctx_fv.v COQC typing.v COQC erasure.v COQC progress.v COQC strong_exists.v make[1]: Leaving directory '/Users/sweirich/github/coq/graded-haskell/DDC/src' ``` The source code for the artifact is available from the public github repository: Step-by-Step Instructions ========================= Complete claims made by the paper substantiated by this artifact ---------------------------------------------------------------- This artifact substantiates the results claimed in the paper as indicated by the footnotes. All results are proved about the DDC calculus, presented in Section 5. The language DDC^Top (Section 4) is an instance of DDC, so these results hold directly for that language as well. * System specification The full specification of the type system shown in Section 5 is in the file `Qualitative_ott.v`. This file has been mechanically generated from the Ott specification `` and then patched. For convenience, we also provide the file `spec.pdf` that contains a typeset version of the system, also generated from ``. Note: the DDC in the artifact includes *both* weak and strong sigma-types as primitive type forms. The file `strong_exists.v` shows that the rules for projection from strong sigmas are derivable from weak sigmas. Therefore, the paper only includes the specification of weak sigmas. * Key results The individual results can be found in the corresponding Coq files and theorem statements as directed by the paper's footnotes. (All Coq files are in the `src` subdirectory.) ** Section 3 Lemma 5 (Typing implies grading) Lemma 6 (Equivalence) Lemma 7 (Indistinguishability under substitution) Theorem 1 (Non-interference) ** Section 5 Theorem 8 (Consistency) Lemma 8 (Canonical Element) Lemma 9 (Erasure Indistinguishability) Lemma 10 (Erasure simulation) Lemma 11 (Narrowing) Lemma 12 (Weakening) Lemma 13 (Restricted Upgrading) Lemma 14 (Bounded by C) Lemma 15 (Subsumption) Lemma 16 (Substitution) Lemma 17 (Regularity) Lemma 18 (Preservation) Lemma 19 (Progress) * Parameters and Axioms made in Coq development The DDC system is parameterized in two ways: first by a lattics of dependency levels and then by the Sorts/Axioms/Rules as in a Pure Type system. These inputs are marked as parameters. - Abstract properties of the lattice (grade_sig.v) - Sorts, Axioms and Rules of the Pure Type System (sort_sig.v) as described at the beginning of Section 5. The proofs stated in the paper rely on minor axioms: - Two properties about variable renaming (strong_exists.v) - Lemmas about substitution generated by LNgen tool (Qualitative_inf.v) For the latter file, a version of the file that includes the full proofs of these lemmas is also available (Qualitative_inf.full). This file takes a few minutes to compile. If the reviewers would like to verify these assumptions, they can update the contents of the file Qualitative_inf.v with that of Qualitative_inf.full. Complete claims made by the paper NOT substantiated by this artifact ---------------------------------------------------------------- This artifact only includes results about the DDC language. Therefore, results about SDC or about a translation between languages have not been proved in Coq. These include the following results: * Section 3 Lemmas 1-7, Theorem 1. Properties of SDC that are similar to analogous results for DDC. Theorems 2-4. Translation between DCC and SDC. * Section 4 Theorems 5-7. Translation between SDC and DDC^Top. Additional artifact description ------------------------------- See the []( for the artifact site. Constructing the artifact from scratch -------------------------------------- The following commands will install all dependencies for the development from a fresh version of Ubuntu. - sudo apt install git-all - sudo add-apt-repository ppa:avsm/ppa - sudo apt update - sudo apt install make - sudo apt install gcc - sudo apt install opam - opam init - opam switch create 4.09.1 - eval $(opam env --switch=4.01.1) - opam repo add coq-released - opam pin coq 8.10.2 - opam install ott - opam pin add coq-metalib - git clone - cd graded-haskell/DDC/src - make coq
Date made availableJan 25 2022

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