Geeks, Fandoms, and Social Engagement

Dale Peeples, Jennifer Yen, Paul Weigle

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

9 Scopus citations


The Internet changed the way the global community interacts and communicates. This cultural shift allows like-minded individuals to connect and share ideas. It creates spaces for stigmatized communities to gather in a virtual presence. Youth now have greater options to explore identity, and to reach peers with niche interests. From a clinical perspective, it is helpful to understand the nature of communities our patients join on the Internet. This article focuses on the broad umbrella of “geek” culture, exploring a variety of interests such as cosplay, fanfiction, and gaming.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)247-267
Number of pages21
JournalChild and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America
Issue number2
StatePublished - Apr 2018


  • Cosplay
  • Fanfiction
  • Gamer
  • Geek
  • Internet
  • Social engagement
  • Subculture

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Pediatrics, Perinatology, and Child Health
  • Psychiatry and Mental health


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