The Readiness Training Program for Nursing Personnel in the AMEDD: Volume II. Training Support Package

Julie Kay Zadinsky

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


Report HR 95-003 B. This U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine Training Support Package provides a detailed overview for nursing personnel to develop and maintain skills proficiencies in "...a deployed or field status.' 'The Readiness Training Program has been developed to help nursing personnel develop and sustain their proficiencies in clinical skills and functions critical to the successful performance of their roles in a deployed or field status. 2. In keeping with the Army Medical Department (AMEDD) mission of maintaining the medical, clinical, and technical readiness of medical units and personnel to support the Army in the theater of operations, each of you is asked to support the widest possible implementation of the Readiness Training Program among all nursing personnel in the AMEDD. 3. The Training Support Package contains training guidelines and actual training objectives that will facilitate use of the program among nursing personnel in both the Active and Reserve Components of the AMEDD. Additionally, videotapes for the Readiness Training Program are available at training and audiovisual support centers to assist trainers with planning an initial assessment of the skill and knowledge proficiency of nursing personnel in their unit. Nursing personnel responsible for conserving the fighting strength need to maintain their competencies in skills and functions critical to their roles in a deployed or field status. In the past, nursing personnel have relied on their everyday experiences in fixed healthcare facilities to maintain their competencies in field nursing practice. However, there is now a widening gap between nursing practice in high-technology, automated fixed healthcare facilities and nursing practice in field medical treatment facilities. Therefore, the Joint Services Nursing Advisory Group (JSNAG), which is a tri-service advisory group to the Defense Medical Standardization' Board (DMSB), recommended that a study be conducted to examine the extent to which job-related and training experiences currently prepare nursing personnel for patient care in a deployed or field status. The purpose of this TSP is to provide leaders and trainers with information and materials needed to implement the RTP for nursing personnel in their unit. Included in the TSP are an explanation of the training program as well as task summaries for clinical skills and battle-focused functions (BFFs). Principles of training as well as management of the training program are discussed.
Original languageEnglish (US)
StatePublished - Mar 1996
Externally publishedYes


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