Center for Biotechnology and Genomic Medicine

Short survey

Search results

  • 2018

    Consensus recommendations for trabecular meshwork cell isolation, characterization and culture

    Keller, K. E., Bhattacharya, S. K., Borrás, T., Brunner, T. M., Chansangpetch, S., Clark, A. F., Dismuke, W. M., Du, Y., Elliott, M. H., Ethier, C. R., Faralli, J. A., Freddo, T. F., Fuchshofer, R., Giovingo, M., Gong, H., Gonzalez, P., Huang, A., Johnstone, M. A., Kaufman, P. L. & Kelley, M. J. & 37 others, Knepper, P. A., Kopczynski, C. C., Kuchtey, J. G., Kuchtey, R. W., Kuehn, M. H., Lieberman, R. L., Lin, S. C., Liton, P., Liu, Y., Lütjen-Drecoll, E., Mao, W., Masis-Solano, M., McDonnell, F., McDowell, C. M., Overby, D. R., Pattabiraman, P. P., Raghunathan, V. K., Rao, P. V., Rhee, D. J., Chowdhury, U. R., Russell, P., Samples, J. R., Schwartz, D., Stubbs, E. B., Tamm, E. R., Tan, J. C., Toris, C. B., Torrejon, K. Y., Vranka, J. A., Wirtz, M. K., Yorio, T., Zhang, J., Zode, G. S., Fautsch, M. P., Peters, D. M., Acott, T. S. & Stamer, W. D., Jun 2018, In: Experimental eye research. 171, p. 164-173 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalShort surveypeer-review

    Open Access
    239 Scopus citations