Pharmacogenetics and Schizophrenia

Adriana Elena Foster, Del D. Miller, Peter F Buckley

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

17 Scopus citations


The wide interindividual variability in clinical response and tolerability of antipsychotic medications has led investigators to postulate that these variabilities may be under genetic control. Although not always consistent, there are promising indications from emergent pharmacogenetic studies that efficacy of antipsychotic medications for the various symptom domains of psychopathology in schizophrenia may be genetically regulated. This is an encouraging approach. Moreover, there are also suggestive findings that the side-effect profiles of second-generation antipsychotic medications and their propensity to cause weight gain and glucose and lipid abnormalities as well as tardive dyskinesia may be related to pharmacogenetic factors in this patient population. Ultimately, such approaches could drive choices of antipsychotic medication based on the likelihood of clinical response and development of side effects in light of a particular patient's genetic profile. In the future, this targeted approach (personalized medicine) may become informative for clinicians choosing an antipsychotic medication for an individual patient with schizophrenia.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)975-993
Number of pages19
JournalClinics in Laboratory Medicine
Issue number4
StatePublished - Dec 2010


  • Antipsychotics
  • Personalized medicine
  • Pharmacogenetics
  • Schizophrenia

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Clinical Biochemistry
  • Biochemistry, medical


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